How do you measure things?
We went to a favorite café for breakfast the other day. We cannot eat before our doctor appointments due to one or the other of us needing lab work. We see our friend/doctor together. So, even with an early morning appointment by the time we get there, we are ready to pig out on what is my favorite meal of the day. As usual, I had the “monster-everything” and she ordered small and nibbled on mine. A main reason the place got to be our favorite is because the sausage gravy is about the best we’ve had anywhere. Well, last week, it was mediocre at best. Not bad, but far from the usual excellent. I looked at Dene and said, well, if this were our first visit, I doubt we would be back. Since we have experience there, we will give them another chance and hope this was an aberration.
So is my life. I would hate to be judged by the worst I have done. I am seldom THAT bad. Nor do I wish to be judged by the best. I am seldom that good. We understand that with people we know well and make allowances for their bad days or moments. But, if it is a first impression, we all too often write that person off. He may not even know why, ever.
I take my business where service is good and the product meets my desires. But I now resolve that with my brother, I will be more willing to believe that any bad is abnormal and treat him so. Will you?
So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty. For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment, James 2:12,13..
Keith Ward
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