Ho-hum, I thought as I grabbed the concordance to look up yet another word in our study of faith. Expecting to see that “boldness” was also translated courage, bravery, or some other obvious synonym, I found myself sitting up at attention instead.
This word for boldness here is not the usual word. This one actually means boldness of speech. In fact, the one Greek word is translated by those three English words more than once as in 2 Cor 3:12, “Having therefore such a hope, we use great boldness of speech.” If you have a modern translation, as I did my ESV that day, you will miss it. Pull out your old 1901 ASV and you will see the three word phrase. Then pull out your King James, “ …we use great plainness of speech.”
That means, according to that verse at the top, you can talk freely—and plainly—to God. You don’t have to worry that God will take things the wrong way. You don’t have to worry that God will misinterpret your meaning. You don’t have to worry that He will take offense like some people who make a career out of getting their feelings hurt.
When you are disappointed, you can talk to Him.
When you are depressed and discouraged, you can talk to Him.
When you are mad, you can talk to Him.
When you want to ask why, you can.
When you want to feel a little sorry for yourself, you can.
When you need to vent, you can.
God says, be plain, be bold, tell me what you need to tell me—I am here for you.
That verse in Ephesians says we can do this because of faith. If you don’t believe God cares this much for you, that He will listen to anything and everything, that He actually wants you to feel free to talk to Him, then somewhere your faith is lacking.
It isn’t faith to say, God doesn’t want to hear this.
It isn’t faith to say, my problems are too small to bother God with them.
It isn’t faith to say, God is busy with more important things right now.
Faith speaks.
Faith speaks freely.
Faith shares whatever needs to be shared whenever it needs sharing—just ask Job.
Tell God how you feel today.
A Psalm of David: Hear my cry, O God; Attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I call unto you, when my heart is overwhelmed: Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been a refuge for me, A strong tower from the enemy. I will dwell in your tabernacle for ever: I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings. Selah. Psalms 61:1-4
Dene Ward