Recommended Sites
Maidservants of Christ
I first "met" Helene Smith shortly after I moved from an email devotional list to the Flight Paths blog. Somehow she found me and after reading for a while decided I was the one to ask for advice as she and Melissa Baker started their own blog. They no longer need any advice from me!
Helene describes her blog as "a primer in what it means to be a female person in relationship with God." They "try to cover practical, ethical, theological and Biblical topics about women and the Lord." She is not afraid to tread in controversial waters but always has a way about her that makes them easier to bear—firm, but gentle and kind, and always on the Lord's side. You may recognize the name because I have copied several of their articles as "guest columns."
Bible Fun for Kids
This is a site by a Christian named Debbie Jackson, with free, printable material for parents teaching their children at home, and also for Bible class teachers, primarily for preschool and elementary school ages. Helene, from the first website mentioned, recommends her highly, stating that she has used her material for years. I gave it a quick look-see and was impressed enough to recommend it.
Addiction Hub
Many of us have family or friends who need what this site has to offer. The home page is somewhat bare, but at the top you can click on things that are extremely helpful: support groups, resources/links, and articles you might find interesting, among others. This site was begun by Adam Smith who lost his best friend to addiction and who then vowed to do whatever he could to help others who might find themselves in the same situation. He is the reason this entire page came into existence. The site does not appear to have been updated since 2018, but there still might be some helpful material. I have tried to contact Adam and cannot find his email address in my records. A message from the site did not go through. I will keep a close eye on it to see if it changes any time soon and might delete this site if necessary. But for now, use what is there.
Searching Daily
Doy Moyer does an absolutely amazing job of helping you see those same old passages in a brand new way. I always wind up thinking, "Why didn't I see that in there?" Maybe with his help, we all can learn how. This site also includes several special categories, one of which is "For the Ladies."
His Excellent Word
Matthew Bassford was a young preacher whose blog I have come to admire for its clear explanation of scripture. But as a hymn writer, he added an extra dimension that other blogs do not. I have seldom seen hymns analyzed and explained in a more useful and inspirational way. I have on one occasion used his explanation instead of my own in my "Do You Know What You Are Singing" series in the music category. His blog's subtitle explains his purposes succinctly: "The Word of God, in life, in hymns, and in print." Matt passed away recently, but his wife is keeping his blog open and working for now.
The following are various sites dealing with grief
Dealing with Anger in Grief
6 Ways Grief Counseling Can Help You
Decluttering Your Home after the Loss of a Loved One: A Step-by-Step Guide to Moving through the Difficult Process
Please remember to look on this page in the future to see what else might have been added. And if you have a recommendation, go to the "Contact Dene" page on the left sidebar and drop me a line.
Dene Ward
Maidservants of Christ
I first "met" Helene Smith shortly after I moved from an email devotional list to the Flight Paths blog. Somehow she found me and after reading for a while decided I was the one to ask for advice as she and Melissa Baker started their own blog. They no longer need any advice from me!
Helene describes her blog as "a primer in what it means to be a female person in relationship with God." They "try to cover practical, ethical, theological and Biblical topics about women and the Lord." She is not afraid to tread in controversial waters but always has a way about her that makes them easier to bear—firm, but gentle and kind, and always on the Lord's side. You may recognize the name because I have copied several of their articles as "guest columns."
Bible Fun for Kids
This is a site by a Christian named Debbie Jackson, with free, printable material for parents teaching their children at home, and also for Bible class teachers, primarily for preschool and elementary school ages. Helene, from the first website mentioned, recommends her highly, stating that she has used her material for years. I gave it a quick look-see and was impressed enough to recommend it.
Addiction Hub
Many of us have family or friends who need what this site has to offer. The home page is somewhat bare, but at the top you can click on things that are extremely helpful: support groups, resources/links, and articles you might find interesting, among others. This site was begun by Adam Smith who lost his best friend to addiction and who then vowed to do whatever he could to help others who might find themselves in the same situation. He is the reason this entire page came into existence. The site does not appear to have been updated since 2018, but there still might be some helpful material. I have tried to contact Adam and cannot find his email address in my records. A message from the site did not go through. I will keep a close eye on it to see if it changes any time soon and might delete this site if necessary. But for now, use what is there.
Searching Daily
Doy Moyer does an absolutely amazing job of helping you see those same old passages in a brand new way. I always wind up thinking, "Why didn't I see that in there?" Maybe with his help, we all can learn how. This site also includes several special categories, one of which is "For the Ladies."
His Excellent Word
Matthew Bassford was a young preacher whose blog I have come to admire for its clear explanation of scripture. But as a hymn writer, he added an extra dimension that other blogs do not. I have seldom seen hymns analyzed and explained in a more useful and inspirational way. I have on one occasion used his explanation instead of my own in my "Do You Know What You Are Singing" series in the music category. His blog's subtitle explains his purposes succinctly: "The Word of God, in life, in hymns, and in print." Matt passed away recently, but his wife is keeping his blog open and working for now.
The following are various sites dealing with grief
Dealing with Anger in Grief
6 Ways Grief Counseling Can Help You
Decluttering Your Home after the Loss of a Loved One: A Step-by-Step Guide to Moving through the Difficult Process
Please remember to look on this page in the future to see what else might have been added. And if you have a recommendation, go to the "Contact Dene" page on the left sidebar and drop me a line.
Dene Ward