God must have loved formal worship services – he made so many of them.
God instructed Israel to meet for worship three times a year, Passover, Pentecost & Tabernacles. He gave exact prescription concerning the actions to be done at each. This was also done with other times of worship, such as the Day of Atonement, which was a week after the feast of Tabernacles. Attendance at these was not mandatory as it was with the three. In addition to required times, individuals or families could worship in special ways whenever they could afford to do so financially, sacrifices called peace offerings or free-will offerings.
If the things written aforetime “learn” us anything, we should see that God does not leave us adrift concerning how to worship him; it is not up to us. We are not allowed to choose actions that make us feel good.
On the screen at many churches, every Sunday the projector flashes that “Worship is 24 X 7 X 52.” Aside from simple math causing you to realize this would give you a day off every year, this is true. Rom 12:1 teaches that we are to present all the duties and works of our lives to God as worship every day.
Some have jumped to the conclusion that means that there is no formal worship or that there is no difference between that worship and that which one does during the week. Some even declare that actions reserved for the First Day in the New Testament may be done at any time.
Such attitudes surely come from careless or biased reading of the Scripture. Several times in the New Testament, God instructs what we are to do when we come together. These both imply that there should be a formal gathering and that things are to be done there that cannot be done on Thursday over supper at home. 1 Cor 5:4, they were not to withdraw from the disorderly separately but “in the name of the Lord Jesus, ye being gathered together” (1 Cor 5:4). The Apostle Paul makes it clear that the Lord’s Supper cannot be taken individually, but must be taken at a formal gathering of the church (1 Cor 11: 17 & 33). Further, He makes a clear distinction between “church” and “home” (1 Cor 11:22, 34).
Again 1 Cor 14 repeatedly discusses what can be done in the assembling and what cannot. Vs 19 “in the church, I had rather…” Vs 23, "If therefore the whole church be assembled together" (sort of hard to fit the modern house church concept with gatherings all over the place into that!), Vs 26 "When ye come together"…. (these instructions may not apply to the 24 x 7 worship or women could never talk? Vs 34). In CONTEXT, "Keep silence" refers to spiritual gifts, not normal speech. A man who can speak in tongues is to "keep silent" if there is no interpreter. First, he can talk, just not speak in tongues. Second, he can tongue speak at home all week if he chooses.
Paul commands a treasury for a church benevolent action in order that gatherings not be made when he arrives. If each keeps his treasury at home, then gatherings are needed on Paul’s arrival. That treasury was to be collected on the first day of the week (1 Cor 16:1-2). We use this example as the only way God showed for the church to gather the funds needed for its works. Operating a business or other methods are not authorized for the church, though an individual may operate one and donate as much as he chooses to the church.
Just as in the Old Testament, God describes a formal worship, not 3 times a year, but weekly on the first day of the week. The New Testament includes things to be done in the manner he says. We can choose to do as Israel did and do our own thing, but we will cease to be Christ’s church.
In the past, it is possible that too much emphasis was placed on what happened at the assembling. (I do believe most of those people did a great job with daily worship, though they did not often call it that.) Now, as so often happens, the pendulum has swung the other way with the primary emphasis being placed on the daily worship and the formal assembling worship often down-rated in order to make that emphasis.
Both extremes are wrong.
Worship God in the Church Assembling. Worship God daily.
If therefore the whole church be assembled together…. if all prophesy, and there come in one unbelieving or unlearned, he is reproved by all, he is judged by all; the secrets of his heart are made manifest; and so he will fall down on his face and worship God, DECLARING THAT GOD IS AMONG YOU INDEED. (1Cor 14:23-25).
Keith Ward