"Self-love is the biblical understanding of sin."
"That self-centeredness is a worldwide phenomenon of human experience is evident from the rich variety of words in our language which are compounded with "self". There are more than fifty which have a pejorative meaning—words like self-applause, self-absorption, self-assertion, self-advertisement, self-indulgence, self-gratification, self-glorification, self-pity, self-importance, self-interest, and self-will."
"Pride is more than the first of the seven deadly sins, it is itself the essence of all sin. For it is the stubborn refusal to let God be God, with the corresponding ambition to take his place." (All quotes taken from John Stott.)
The above very accurately nails the emphasis on self-esteem so prevalent today right in its place. Truly it must be the first plank in the Devil's platform for winning our vote.
Keith Ward