I think I may have figured out why the ecology-freaks come on so strong. From their viewpoint, bad things are happening to the ecology, the world may not survive; certainly, if we don’t do something, humankind will not survive. There have even been episodes on the History Channel picturing a world without humans.
Since their philosophy leaves no room for God, there is no one to save the world if they do not. If they don’t stop global warming, no one will; there is no God to watch over things. They may even admit that some of their worries may not be as probable as they scream, but they cannot afford to take the chance. They must fix it and right now, lest something happen to end life or the world or…..
So they go around in a constant panic mode, demanding, lobbying, preaching, terrorizing, because they must save the world. Literally, since there is no God, THEY HAVE PUT THEMSELVES IN THE PLACE OF GOD. They are the watchers, the overseers and since they were not designed for that, they can only run about and scream and shout from one crisis to another.
You and I KNOW that God is in heaven and HE is in control. The world will end when he chooses. HE has designed into our creation all the things needed for it to last till HE decides otherwise.
Witness the Gulf oil spill. They ran around and screamed till the oil companies put in chemicals to change the spilled oil. Others said the resultant chemical stuff was more dangerous to the ecology than the natural crude. Turns out that long ago, God created oil-eating bacteria because thousands of gallons of oil seep into the gulf every year from crevices in the sea bed. This is not to say we should do nothing when things go wrong--man has proven his ability to destroy things in God’s creation. It is to say that no man or group has the wisdom to be God, but that is exactly what they are doing.
Someone has to be God. That is the way HE designed us. Do you want God to be the loving one of the Bible or a group of self-appointed scientists? This is what the evolution debate is really about.
Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things...they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator... (Rom 1:22-25).
Keith Ward