In the same vein, I wondered if we could stretch that idea to something we might call “Christianisms,” things a Christian would do that might seem peculiar to someone who isn’t one. Like never using what the world now calls “colorful language;” like remaining calm and civil when someone mistreats you, doing, in fact, something nice for them; like not cheating on your taxes; like giving back the change that a cashier overpays you; like paying attention to the speed limit and other laws of the land even if there is not a trooper behind you; like cooking or cleaning house for an invalid; like making time for the worship on Sunday morning and arriving at the ball game late even if those tickets did cost a small fortune; like being careful of the clothing you choose to wear; like choosing not to see certain movies or watch certain television shows; like thinking that spending time with other Christians is far more enjoyable than things like “clubbing;” —these are my idea of Christianisms. I am sure you could add more to the list.
In the cookbook, I must admit, are many things I have never heard of, despite being a born and bred Southerner—frocking, for one. You see I came along at a time when the South was starting to change, especially my part of it. Disney changed everything. Orlando used to be a one-horse town instead of the metropolis it has become. I actually learned how to drive in Tampa on what is now I-275. Can you imagine letting a first timer do that? My part of the South has become less “southern” as the years have passed. So, while I had roots in the traditions of the Deep South, I have lost familiarity with many of them.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if we got to that point with “Christianisms?” When you read that list I made, did you stop somewhere along the line and say, “Huh? Why would anyone do that?” Have we allowed the “worldisms” to take the place of concepts and behaviors that ought to be second nature to us? Can we even compose a list of things that make us different or have we become assimilated?
Try making a list of the “Christianisms” in your life today. Make sure you can come up with some, and if not, maybe it’s time to make a few changes.
Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life…Phil 2:14-16a.
Dene Ward