One thing about growing older—reruns are a lot more interesting. You don’t always remember what happened the first time, or whodunit or why. In fact, since I usually watch only older shows, I really don’t remember. It’s like watching a brand new show, and since it’s an older one, it’s a lot more palatable too. Have you noticed that even when they care to “bleep” these days, they leave so much of the word you might as well have heard it in the first place? Talk about unpalatable.
A year or so ago Lucas said about the blog, “I finally read a new article that had something in it you already said!” What in the world is he thinking, I wondered. I've written 989 of these things (counting this one). How in the world could I NOT repeat myself? And I have scriptural authority to do so:
Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder, since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things, 2Pet 1:12-15.
All things being equal, my departure should not be quite as imminent as Peter’s, but I will follow his example as long as I can by reminding you of things you have already heard at least once, if not a hundred times.
And all that got me to thinking about the admitted reruns in the Bible—things the writers said were repeats of former lessons. I did some research and have found a list of things these inspired men thought they should remind people of. And that means I have a scripturally sound, ready-made list of things to remind you of. And that’s what we will do every so often in the future. Look for the title “Reruns” with some descriptive phrase after it. I will try to put the series on Mondays when it happens, since that has been the practice of the past. That means you are more likely to remember it, right? Routine has its own built-in memory system.
And if God thought these things were worth repeating, we should probably pay close attention.
Dene Ward