Sometimes we tell more than we intend about our (low) level of spirituality. “I could not believe in a God who…….” Less obviously, many seem to place their faith in a God who answers their prayers the way they imagine a God who is love must answer. My fear for them is that if their answer does not come, not only will their lives be devastated, their faith in God will be shattered.
“Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.” He did not believe a theology of facts or logic. He believed God. When God said, “Offer Isaac,” he did not reason that God could not mean that because the promise was through Isaac. He did not whine that God was asking too much and it was too hard. He did not bargain that if God would raise him, he would. He simply went to the place and offered Isaac.
God said, “Now I know that you fear God.” Paul comments, “Before HIM whom he believed.” Abraham’s faith was in God. No attached stipulations, no ifs.
We may never have such a crisis, but when you look into the muzzle flashes, or fear the loss of a loved one, or fear the sightless darkness, do you believe in God or in God-if-he-fixes-the-problem?
UNCONDITIONAL FAITH: Less often achieved than claimed.
For I know him whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to guard that which I have committed unto him against that day 2 Tim 1:12
Keith Ward