In the past few years I have learned more about eyes than I ever wanted to know. At least one doctor has told me I can open up my own practice soon.
I was born severely hyperopic and nanophthalmic with anatomical narrow angle. I also have narrow angle glaucoma, as opposed to the more common open angle variety. The zonules in my left eye are weak. The sclera is thick. My corneas are among the steepest ever measured at the University Of Florida School Of Medicine, and the eyeballs the smallest. My anterior chamber is too shallow and I have a shallow retina detachment in the right eye. Because the angles are too narrow, the vitreous humor is backing up and raising pressure. I have had two iridotomies, four iridoplasties, two lens replacements, and two trabeculectomies, after which I went into aqueous misdirection and needed nearly half a dozen capsulotomies and anterior hyloidotomies. There is talk of a vitrectomy and a CPC (cytophotocoagulation) procedure. I have one piece of hardware in my right eye and three in my left, including a capsular tension ring and a 50 micron shunt, which leaves me with an elevated bleb. My epitheliums are being “crucified,” in the doctor’s words, by the medications. See what I mean about learning? Three or four years ago I only knew what a couple of those polysyllabic words meant, and not many more of the shorter ones.
But the more I learn, the more amazed I am by the complexity of the human eye, and the foolishness of so-called learned men who believe it all just “happened.” If one part of your eye does not work right, you will probably lose your vision. So how in the world did the eyeball evolve? The eyeball had to exist and work right from the beginning or those blind creatures would not have survived long enough to reproduce and adapt. Here is the real puzzle: How can anyone believe that something as amazing as the human body just happened by accident?
Pardon me if I choose to be a little less foolish and believe in a Creator. The very complexity of all creation and the various relationships that must exist for both sides to survive scream Eternal Intelligence far louder than I ever could.
Tell your children. Tell your neighbors. Creationists are not ignorant fanatics. In fact, we are the only ones who make any sense at all.
For you did form my inward parts;
You did cover me in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks unto you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are your works;
And that my soul knows right well. Psalm 139:13, 14
Dene Ward