Think about that for awhile. If I do not allow the Lord to use me for good, he will use me for evil instead. I cannot refuse to be used; it’s one or the other.
A long time ago I studied as many women in the Bible as I could find and tried to discover how they fit into the scheme of redemption. I managed to find a use for every one of them. Then I came to Jezebel and found myself stymied. The only thing I could think was God used her to test his prophet Elijah, and to eventually send him back to his work in Israel with a renewed spirit.
I would hate to think that the only use God could find for me was as a thorn in the flesh of his righteous people, testing their faith. So how do I avoid that?
As in the case of Elijah, discouragement can hamper the work of God. After what seemed like an amazing victory on Mt Carmel, Elijah awoke the next morning to find that Jezebel was still in charge and his life was still in danger. Now Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also if I make not your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time. And when Elijah saw this, he fled, 1 Kings 19:1-3. What a let-down that must have been. If that great victory had not changed things, what could?
So Elijah ran away to the wilderness where he rested, where an angel fed him, and where God proved to him that Jezebel was not the one in charge, and there were still righteous people to stand with him.
Am I just another Jezebel, discouraging God’s people in their mission? Do I have a chip on my shoulder that makes me easily offended? Do I sit like a spectator on the bleachers, watching and waiting for the least little thing, quick to complain, unashamed to make a scene, ready to pass judgment on every word and action, and worse, spread that slander to others? Do I march up to the elders, the preacher, the class teachers as if they had to answer to me for anything I find disagreeable, which can be anything and everything, depending upon my mood at the moment? (Yes, I have known people exactly like this.)
What purpose do I think that serves other than to try the patience, faith, and endurance of those who must put up with my spitefulness? Why do I think that kind of behavior will help anyone? Would I accept it from anyone toward me?
Every church I have ever been a part of has one of these thorns hidden among them. Don’t let it be you. Remember today that God is using you. Make sure that everything you do and say will in some way help His plan to save the world. Your brothers and sisters need your encouragement. Your neighbors need your example of love and service. That is what God expects of you—to choose to be a rose instead of a thorn.
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing, Prov 12:16,18.
Dene Ward