Did you notice the tops that fashionable young women began wearing a few years ago? I have seen them before, and worn them—thirty years ago when I was pregnant. They look like nothing more than maternity smocks. I had only three maternity tops and three maternity dresses, so they wore out their welcome in a hurry. Besides, like most women, I thought they made me look like a whale. It’s safe to say I won’t be buying any tops till this style changes. I will say this about them, though. They were better than the last fad—tops so short, yet cut so low they practically met in the middle, and tight enough to double as corsets.
Then there are the men’s pants that seem to stay up by magic. I saw a teenager bussing tables at a restaurant a few months ago whose belt was literally around his thighs, the crotch of his khaki pants suspended between his knees, and the bulk of the legs bunched up above his ankles like a squeezed accordion. He walked with the mincing steps of a woman in a long tight skirt. If my schedule had allowed that day, I would have dallied over my coffee until his shift ended, just so I could see how he managed to get down the steps outside the door.
But have you noticed this about style? It doesn’t change; it just rotates around the circle. Young people have been wearing the same hip-hugging wide-legged pants my generation wore as teenagers, and they think it’s new. The capris women have worn the past few years are the pedal pushers we wore in the 50s and 60s. I guess it’s true that you should never throw anything away because it will eventually come back into style.
God’s word, however, never goes out of style. Oh, believing it and living by it goes out of style. That’s not the point. Some clothing styles are called “classic” because they always work—they look nice, they’re comfortable, practical and always appropriate. Doesn’t that describe God’s word? If everyone lived by it, think how much better this world would be.
Just a small “for instance:” twenty percent of American adults now have genital herpes. That’s 1 in 5, folks. Talk about an epidemic. And why? Because people do not want to live God’s way—one man for one woman for one lifetime.
One million cases of pelvic inflammatory disease occur annually. There are more cases of syphilis now than at any time since the discovery of penicillin. 1.3 million new cases of gonorrhea surface every year, as well as four million cases of Chlamydia. And these statistics are over ten years out of date. Imagine what it’s like now. A medical investigation done at UC Berkley discovered that 47% of the female students there carried the human papilloma virus.
And why has all this happened? Because it is now out of style to teach your children self-control, to wait for marriage—in other words, God’s way of doing things. Instead, society teaches them the lie called “safe sex.” If promiscuity were so safe, how could I find figures like these?
This is something we need to remember every day. If anyone should know how to make our lives here happy, shouldn’t the One who made us? Do you realize that the laws God set down in the Old Testament put the ancient Jews thousands of years ahead of their time in public health and sanitation? Don’t you get it? In any situation you can imagine, handling things God’s way is safer, healthier, and happier in the long run. All this, and Heaven too. Indeed, Father knows best.
Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise; then shall I have an answer to him who taunts me for I trust in your Word. And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in your rules. I will keep your law continually forever and ever, and I shall walk in a wide place for I have sought your precepts. I shall speak of your testimonies before kings and shall not be put to shame, for I find my delight in your commandments which I love. I shall lift up my hands to your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes, Psa 119:41-48.
Dene Ward